Wednesday, September 17, 2008


How exciting. I now know how we can all have the same sized squares using different sized needles, different tensions and different ply wool.

Here's the pattern

Cast on 3 stitches
1st Row: k1 inc 1 K1
At the beginning of the next row and every row K1 inc. in next st knit to end of row
When side measures 20cm begin to decrease as follows:
K1 K2tog knit to end of row
Repeat till 4sts remain then K1 K2tog K1
cast off 3 stitches.

Good luck with your squares, you'll find that this gives a lovely diagonal pattern that can be adapted and used to create lots of interesting combinations when joined together.

1 comment:

Locam said...

I know this works I have had a lot of fun making different types of patterns. Go Girl